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The RCERO Zasavje is open

28. 10. 2015
The Regional Waiste Management Center (RCERO) constructed by Riko, d.o.o. has been solemnly opened.
Riko was chosen as main contractor in the Regional Waiste Management Centre construction project and took care of the design, equipment delivery and construction of disposal facilities (capacities exceeding 200,000 m3) with a purification plant for landfill leachate located in Unično, a composting plant with a capacity of 9,000 tons/year on the same location, a sorting facility with a capacity of 25,000 tons/year, transformer stations in Unično and access roads leading from Mirno to the Unično disposal plant's entry, line ups for the processing of inert construction waist with a capacity of 30,000 tons/year located in Neža (in the Trbovlje municipality) and the arranging of manipulative surfaces in Unično. 

Riko worked on this project with two partners, i.e. VGP Drava, d.d. and AGM Nemec and included a number of subcontractors into its practical completion, such as ECONO d.o.o., RIKO EKOS d.o.o., Hidmetal – eco d.o.o., Elektrosignal, d.o.o., Prosys d.o.o., Klarwin d.o.o. & Process engineering S.R.L. and L.F. Air-Condition d.o.o.