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News - February 2013

22. 2. 2013

Riko signed a contract for replacement of boilers and burners

Today the managing directors of Riko and Energetika Ljubljana, Janez Škrabec and Hrvoje Drašković, signed a contract for replacing the GVL 1 and GVL 2 hot water boilers, the BKG 1 steam boiler and burners on the hot water boiler VKLM 5 in TOŠ«.
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14. 2. 2013

Riko and MAG supplying for MAZ

Riko is strengthening its position as a strategic supplier of technological equipment to automobile industries in Belarus. We developed a technological line for working on reduction gear housings for MAZ, a regionally successful manufacturer of lorries, busses and mobile lifts for vehicles. Together we can offer higher quality and capacity car parts treatment. The equipment will be delivered by the end of 2013, the launch and reaching of full work capacity is foreseen in the first quarter of 2014.
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