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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 15. 12. 2020

The construction of the Slovenian Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai is progressing

The company RIKO constructing the Slovenian pavilion at the Expo Dubai 2020. As the selected project holder for the design and construction of the Slovenian pavilion, we are now successfully completing the construction of the 1,550 m2 pavilion.
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Lviv, Ukraine, 4. 12. 2020

Contract signed for the construction of a sludge biogas plant in Lviv

Today, in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, we signed a contract with the client Lvivvodokanal, a municipal utility company that is 100% owned by the city of Lviv, for the construction of Biogas Production and Cogeneration Facilities in Lviv, which is a technically very comlex project. The project will be carried out in partnership with the Norwegian company CAMBI, which has the most advanced technological solutions and highly efficient technological processes for the needs of wastewater treatment plants worldwide. The project was acquired in an international competition as part of the EBRD public tender.
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Kyiv, Ukraine, 17. 11. 2020

The opening of the refurbished Syrets Kyiv Metro station

In accordance with the signed contract for modernisation of obsolete automatic passenger access systems of the Syrets Kyiv Metro station, which was awarded in 2019 in a public tender, RIKO has now completed the delivery of state-of-the-art equipment and automatic turnstiles for twenty-three access gates for this subway station in the Ukrainian capital.
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Gorenjska, Slovenia, 2. 11. 2020

Beginning of works on the interstation section of the Podnart – Lesce Bled railway line

Today we have started work on the interstation section of the Podnart – Lesce Bled railway line in the length of 10.69km. The modernisation of the Podnart – Lesce Bled section will be partially carried out during the complete closure of the railway line due to the Karavanke railway tunnel extension in the period from October 2020 to July 2021, while the reconstruction of the entire section between Podnart and Lesce Bled will be completed in 2022. It is planned to complete the works on the public railway infrastructure site following the maintenance process for public benefit.
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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15. 10. 2020

The NEDO project is in full swing

As part of the NEDO project, which is being implemented for our client ELES, d.o.o., we are building a battery energy storage with all associated equipment which will be located in the BTC (goods transport center) area in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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Slovenia, 11. 9. 2020

Riko has signed a contract for the reconstruction of the main railway line on the section between Podnart and Lesce Bled

Riko was selected as the most successful bidder and was awarded the contract for the modernisation of the Podnart-Lesce Bled section of the main Ljubljana-Jesenice railway line No. 20.
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Bohinj, Slovenija, 9. 7. 2020

Renovation of the Hotel Bohinj

Podjetje Riko bo za bavarsko državno opero (naročnik je državni gradbeni urad Rosenheim) postavilo avtomatsko visokoregalno skladišče za specialne zabojnike. Za projekt, pridobljen na javnem naročilu, smo se pripravljali leto dni.
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Germany, 24. 6. 2020

New project on the demanding German market

Riko will build an automatic high-bay warehouse for special containers for the Bavarian State Opera (commissioned by the Rosenheim State Building Office). We have been preparing for this project - obtained through a public procurement - for a year.
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Minsk, Belarus, 20. 3. 2020

First project with Belarusian railways

The head of the Riko representative office in Minsk, Zivorad Smiljković, has signed a contract for the reconstruction of the 110 kV / 27.5 kV Minsk-Severnyj power station which will supply power to electric trains of the Belarusian railways. Rich references in the field of construction and reconstruction of transformer stations for the Belarusian capital and a a competitive offer enabled Riko to enter the field of Belarusian railway infrastructure.
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Požega, Croatia, 5. 3. 2020

Riko to build a new wastewater treatment plant in Croatia

Today, Riko signed a contract for the construction of the Požega wastewater treatment plant in the size of 33,500 PE and the construction of reed beds for the treatment and mineralization of sewage sludge.
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