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30. 7. 2012

Rico donates the Iconotheca Valvasoriana to the National Library of Belarus

Upon the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Belarus and Slovenia and the sustainability of their bilateral relations, economic and cultural ties, Janez Škrabec, director of Rico, has given the National Library of Belarus in Minsk a valuable gift - the Iconotheca Valvasoriana (a facsimile edition of rare European art prints from the 15th-17th centuries).
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18. 6. 2012

Riko and Škrabec among the most respected names

According to a study conducted by Kline & Partner, a company that measures and monitors the reputation of companies and directors, both the company Riko and its founder and director Janez Škrabec rank as two of the most respected names in Slovenia. This year, Janez Škrabec has been ranked as the 5th most respected Slovenian director and the company Riko has been ranked as the 13th most respected Slovenian company.
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7. 5. 2012

Sewerage system and treatment plant in Litija and Šmartno

Today, Mr Janez Škrabec, Director of Rico, signed a set of contracts with Mr Franci Rokavec, Mayor of the Municipality of Litija, and Mr Milan Izlakar, Mayor of the Municipality of Šmartno pri Litiji, at the Bogenšperk Castle for the project “Construction of sewerage system and central treatment plants in the municipalities of Litija and Šmartno pri Litija”.
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16. 4. 2012

Construction of new transformer stations

Last year, Riko succeeded in penetrating the field of energy in Belarus by obtaining the project to construct two transformer stations. Due to our exemplary management of this project and our high-quality services, we have been selected in the tender for the construction of two new transformer stations and the reconstruction of three existing transformer stations with voltage levels of 110kV/10kV and interconnected cable lines in Minsk.
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20. 2. 2012

Riko - the Kempinski complex in Minsk

Riko has been entrusted with the construction of a prestigious complex, which will be located in the historical centre of the Belarusian capital. The complex includes a five star Kempinski Hotel (22,765 m²), 81 residential units (14,431 m²), offices (14,926 m²) as well as parking and support facilities (23,411 m²). The construction of a modern multifunctional complex with a Kempinski Hotel will contribute to the further development of hoteliering activities at the highest level and provide new impetus to tourism activities in the high business class hotel standard category, the highest to date in Minsk and Belarus.
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8. 12. 2011

Construction of Cerknica wastewater treatment plant

Marko Rupar, Mayor of the Municipality of Cerknica, and Janez Škrabec, Director of the RIKO company, have signed a contract for the project "Collection and treatment of waste water in the basin of the Ljubljanica, central wastewater treatment plant in the Municipality of Cerknica" today in Cerknica.
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16. 11. 2011

Meeting of both business councils in Avtovaz

The first joint meeting of the Business Councils of Slovenia and Russia, which was established this year with a view to consolidating solid economic ties between Slovenia and Russia, was held today at the headquarters of the Avtovaz company in Togliatti.
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25. 10. 2011

Riko is building an elevator in Planica

We at Riko have been awarded the public tender for constructing the inclined elevator in the Planica Sports Centre, which is undergoing general renovation and infrastructural extension. With its integrated approach to engineering, we will supply the technology, construction and installation of the inclined elevator. It will enable talented ski jumpers to benefit from enhanced training on the five ski-jumps.
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5. 10. 2011

New contract with UKRLOMPROM Kyiv

The Riko company has, thanks to its long-standing experience in the production of ecological equipment, re-entered into a new contract for the supply of the universal presses for packaging and cutting metal scrap with the Ukrainian company URLOMPROM Kyiv. This is considered as Ukraine's leading company in the field of collection and recovery of secondary materials.
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23. 9. 2011

Cooperation with the Ukrainian company VAZ

This year, Riko is successfully penetrating the promising Ukrainian market. Our partner alliance with prestigious Ukrainian companies such as TURBOATOM and HYDROSILA has been complemented by the Volchansk Aggregate Plant VAZ. Riko will supply VAZ with technological equipment for the mechanical treatment of castings.
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