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Podpiramo šport, kulturo, rast in razvoj

Uspešnost podjetja se ne izkazuje le z odličnimi poslovnimi rezultati, temveč tudi v odgovornem odnosu do okolja in družbe. Podjetje Riko meri svojo vrednost tudi z mecenskimi, donatorskimi in sponzorskimi dejanji. 

"Janez is a businessman and an entrepreneur. He clearly enjoys the deals and the design of the project he is involved with.  And, very obviously, he is good at it. But the business is not great project of his life. That is Slovenia, its history, language, culture and, crucially, its future. That future will be delivered by the next generation. They are the ones whom Janez really wants to interest in his project. The business, while worthwhile in themselves, service his cause."

Charles Handy v knjigi The New Philanthropists o Janezu Škrabcu.

Polona Lovšin
T: + 386 (0) 1 58 16 308
F: + 386 (0) 1 58 16 342